Fotografie Cliffe Fort

Hans Egede by brianfuller6385

The wreck of the Hans Egede lies in the Thames near Cliffe Fort. Built in 1922 and named after a Danish missionary it was initially used as a missionary ship in Greenland, where the Inuit people were converted to Christianity. It later worked carrying coal and grain in the Medway. It was being towed up the Thames when it started taking in water and ran aground on Blyth Sands. To avoid it becoming a hazard to shipping it was dragged to the shore where it remains to this day. To read mor about the latest in my series &quot;Little Expeditions&quot; follow the link <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Cliffe Fort je turistická atrakcia, jeden z Pevnosti do East Tilbury , Spojené kráľovstvo . To sa nachádza: 122 km Londýn od, 600 km Birmingham od, 840 km Brussels od. Čítať ďalej
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